The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

College, Career, and Civic Readiness

Policy Update

Continued Learning during COVID-19

States are issuing guidance with an eye toward equity to help schools implement continuous learning for all students and adapt to a variety of needs and circumstances amidst widespread school closures from COVID-19.

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Press Release

State Guidance Addresses Equity Implications of Distance Learning during COVID-19

State guidance addresses equity concerns and accessibility of instruction for all students, time spent in online learning, teacher resources and support, and services for students with disabilities.

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Policy Update

State Boards Wrestle with Graduation Policy during Pandemic

States acted quickly to suspend end-of-year assessments and amend graduation requirements for high school seniors amid COVID-19. This policy update highlights trends in state guidance around graduation and grade advancement and how some are addressing inherent equity challenges.

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The Standard - Article

Arts in Turnaround Strategies

A+ Schools and Turnaround Arts schools commit to a model of school improvement.

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The Standard

Fostering Arts-Rich Schools

There are many good reasons for state boards to pay attention to the depth and breadth of instruction their schools offer in music, drama, theater, dance, and media arts.

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The Standard - Article

The Role of Arts Integration and Education in Improving Student Outcomes

If research is to inform state policy, important gaps in research should be filled.

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The Standard - Article

The Art of Early Childhood Education

Arts integration shows promise for school readiness, emotion regulation, and stress reduction in the youngest, most vulnerable students.

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Civic Engagement Champions Award

Middle school teachers play a particularly strong role in boosting civic knowledge and engagement, helping students become active, responsible citizens. NASBE’s Civic Engagement Champions (CEC) award program honors middle school teachers who promote their students’ active citizenship. The program highlights the work of four outstanding middle school teachers from four states—Maryland, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Washington, […]

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Policy Update

Harnessing Service Learning to Build Social, Emotional and Academic Skills

Service learning opportunities help develop students' social, emotional, and academic skills.

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