NASBE welcomes state proposals that develop or build on existing innovative strategies to advance learning for children from birth to third grade and to support the ECE workforce and the system.
read moreNASBE offers state board members a new professional development learning series to help achieve better, measurable outcomes for children and families.
read moreAuthors in the latest issue of the State Education Standard “Preschool for All” detail how states have expanded access to quality early education, the research that supports these efforts, and the growing pains these initiatives are likely to experience. National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) researchers Steven Barnett and Allison Friedman-Krauss lead the issue […]
read moreAuthors in the latest issue of NASBE’s State Education Standard document how states have expanded access to quality early education, the research that supports these efforts, and the growing pains these initiatives are likely to experience.
read moreThrough the Smart Start Illinois initiative, Illinois is expanding access to preschool, increasing funding to child care providers to raise wages and quality, and reaching more vulnerable families with early support.
read moreThe state’s LEARNS Act creates the roadmap for a unified system, and the state board has a key role to play.
read moreEarly math instruction is as important to young learners' futures as literacy. It's time for math to get the same level of attention.
read moreIs “preschool for all” the best way to extend access to preschool to the children who need it most?
read moreLongitudinal studies of Tulsa’s universal pre-K program reveal benefits to students that persist as they move through elementary and secondary school and on to college.
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