The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

College, Career, and Civic Readiness

Press Release

California, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia Join NASBE’s Early Childhood Education Network

The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) welcomes three new state boards of education to the NASBE Early Childhood Education (ECE) State Network: California, the District of Columbia, and North Carolina.

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Press Release

NASBE Statement on 2022 NAEP Results

It is not enough to think in terms of returning to pre-pandemic levels. The fact is that even at those levels, many students were not achieving at the levels needed for success.

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Press Release

States Draw Up Graduate Profiles to Be Their Education System’s “North Star”

Leaders in South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Washington describe the process for creating and implementing graduate profiles and detail lessons they learned during their creation.

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State Innovations

States Sketch 'Portraits of a Graduate'

While their entry points and approaches to the work differ, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Washington have all drawn up profiles that many call the North Star of their state education systems.

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The Standard - Article

Preparing Pre-K Teachers: Policy Considerations and Strategies

Four practices to increase the pool of skilled early educators stand out as promising.

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Press Release

NASBE President Comments on Results of 2022 NAEP Long-Term Trend Assessment

The Nation’s Report Card gives us a clear view of the impact that COVID-19 had on most students’ foundational learning.

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Press Release

States Leverage Covid Relief Funds for Early Childhood Workforce Recovery

A new NASBE analysis outlines state investments in ECE workforce recovery through compensation and benefits, mental health and well-being supports, and professional development opportunities.

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Policy Update

Investing in Early Childhood Workforce Recovery

Analysis details how states, including Kentucky, New Jersey, North Carolina and others, are using COVID relief funds to help the early childhood workforce recover from the pandemic.

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Join the State Mathematics Improvement Study Group

NASBE invites state board members and selected other interested individuals to come together to examine mathematics achievement and promising approaches to improve it.

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