The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

College, Career, and Civic Readiness

The Standard

High Schools That Matter

This issue of The Standard reimagines the high school experience, illuminating the data, policy reforms, and engagement with students, families, and educators that must align to make redesign possible.

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The Standard - Column

From the President's Pen: Diving Deep into What Makes an Amazing High School

There are wonderful, student-centric high schools in every state. My advice is to find them, visit, and probe into what they are doing well.

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Press Release

To Improve Literacy, States Should Invest in Comprehensive Supports for Teachers

According to a new NASBE analysis, teachers need comprehensive supports to equip them to deliver high-quality, evidence-based instruction.

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Policy Update

Teachers Need Multifaceted Support to Improve Literacy

To improve literacy, states should invest in comprehensive supports for teachers to equip them to deliver high-quality, evidence-based instruction.

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Working with Institutes of Higher Education to Advance the ECE Workforce

High-quality early learning requires a high-quality workforce with specialized knowledge and skills. Several states boards of education, including in Illinois, are playing an active role in developing a well-qualified early learning workforce, while expanding opportunities for more early educators to enter the field. Join us on Wednesday, May 10, to learn about the Illinois Early […]

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The Standard - Article

State Boards and the Governance of Early Childhood Education

As states seek to bring coherence to the disparate systems that have a hand in early education and care, state boards have key roles to play.

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The Standard - Article

State Takeovers: No Silver Bullet for School District Improvement

On average, takeover fails to improve achievement measures, but how it is done matters a lot.

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The Standard - Column

NCSBEE Voice: Adopting a Seal of Biliteracy: A State Perspective

The seal of biliteracy is important for our students and marks their readiness to engage a globalized world.

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Press Release

NASBE’s Early Literacy Work Group Tours Arizona’s Wildflower Accelerated Academy

State board of education members from Delaware, the District of Columbia, California, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, and New York gather in Arizona to learn about the state's early literacy initiatives.

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