The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

College, Career, and Civic Readiness


Using School Accountability Systems to Support School Improvement

School accountability systems are often criticized for being disconnected from or even hindering the important work of improving schools. What is the role of accountability to promote better outcomes for students, and how do we design and implement systems that are more likely to deliver on that promise? In this second session of our Assessment and Accountability […]

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Reimagining High School: The Role for State Leadership

This webinar will explore what it takes to redesign a high school and how state policy can catalyze—or hinder—transformation at scale.

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Looking beyond the State Summative Test for Instructional Insights

This learning series explores a trending topic on state board agendas: assessment and accountability.

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Press Release

NASBE Analysis Highlights Massachusetts and Georgia’s Effort to Advance Dyslexia Screening and Intervention

Early identification and effective, targeted reading intervention are critical to these students’ long-term success, the analysis notes.

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State Innovations

Georgia and Massachusetts Advance Dyslexia Screening and Intervention

State boards can advocate for more young children to be screened for dyslexia and ensure that identified students receive effective interventions, as those in Massachusetts and Georgia have done.

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Press Release

NASBE’s Standard Urges States to Prioritize High School Redesign

Authors of NASBE’s latest State Education Standard reimagine the high school experience, illuminating the data, policy reforms, and engagement with students, families, and educators that must align to make redesign possible.

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The Standard - Column

Student Voice: Hands-On Learning in a Technology-Focused World

A balanced education can help every student achieve the greatest possible success.

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The Standard - Article

Telltale Signs of Rigor and Career Readiness in High School

State boards can take a lesson from schools that already dish up rigorous assignments in college- and career-ready courses alike and ensure more schools do it.

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