The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

College, Career, and Civic Readiness

Press Release

States Boards Advance Digital Equity during the Pandemic

NASBE analysis highlights the efforts of New York, West Virginia, Idaho, Mississippi, California, and Utah to ensure digital access and opportunity for digital learning beyond the pandemic.

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Policy Update

State Strategies to Advance Digital Equity

By spearheading efforts to collect data, collaborate with partners, buy digital devices and infrastructure, and reimagine effective technology use, several states have made strides toward digital equity in schools.

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Join the NASBE Early Literacy Work Group

NASBE invites state board members and state board staff to join a work group to learn from national experts about early-literacy trends and research and from states that have employed effective policies and practices to increase young children’s reading success. Research demonstrates that students not reading proficiently by the end of third grade are four […]

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Press Release

States Leverage ARP Funds to Address Needs of Homeless Students

A new NASBE analysis highlights the efforts of several states to leverage $800 million in federal funds to better address the short- and long-term needs of students experiencing homelessness.

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Policy Update

States Build Support for Students Who Are Homeless

Several states are leveraging $800 million under the American Rescue Plan’s Homeless Children and Youth Program to better address the short- and long-term needs of students experiencing homelessness.

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The Standard - Article

Supporting English Learners with Disabilities

Equitable education means overcoming challenges in identification, staff training, and funding.

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The Standard - Article

Debunking Myths about Students with Disabilities

State policy should confront the pervasive low expectations that the outcomes reveal.

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The Standard - Column

The NASBE Interview: Dr. Lou Maynus and Joel Coleman

"We have to let them show what they can do and not just tell them they can do it."

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The Standard - Article

Reenvisioning the Future with Universal Design for Learning

Build a system that supports each student rather than a mythical average one.

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