The Leading for Equity and Excellence Program (LEEP) is a professional development resource for state policymakers committed to advancing equity in education.
read moreBoard members can work with the media to help communicate important decisions to stakeholders and build public trust.
read moreSuccessful engagement creates a sense of buy-in and shared ownership of the state’s vision and strategic plan for education.
read moreThis analysis lays out seven big questions board members should have answered before they vote on their state's ESSA plan.
read moreThis NASBE policy update identifies five common challenges in engaging this extensive list of stakeholders, and highlights several promising practices states are using to address them.
read moreThe election of 2016 is generally acknowledged to be a “change” election. Voters chose a new president and ended years of divided government by giving control of the House, the Senate, and the White House to Republicans. Did the “change” message affect the selection of new members of state boards of education?
read moreSchool surveillance poses challenges for equity and student data privacy. The authors suggest six principles to guide state policymakers toward effective policies that balance these challenges with the school safety benefits.
read moreKansas made stakeholder engagement central to its ESSA plan and strategic planning, with lessons for other states.
read moreStates can ensure equitable access to deeper learning skills in the classroom by leveraging resources, rigor, and educational experiences.
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