Hang on to your why and your how becomes clear.
read moreWhat better way to kick off Thanksgiving week than with a discussion on politics, policy, and pies? Join us for NASBE’s 2024 elections webinar on Tuesday, November 26, at 3:00 pm ET. This webinar will review the results and key takeaways from the November elections, explore what they mean for education policymaking in 2025, and […]
read moreState boards of education typically play a central role in approving academic content standards, though their authority varies by state. This boardsmanship review outlines guiding principles and common processes to help state boards develop high-quality standards.
read moreThis NASBE analysis looks at 49 state strategic plans and finds many target learning recovery and other pandemic-related education issues.
read moreIt is important to encourage students to engage with a wide variety of policymakers.
read moreState boards of education often have important responsibilities for decisions on education policy, among other duties that require consensus. A grasp of the basic elements of parliamentary procedure is therefore important for the well-equipped board member.
read moreNew laws require interpretation and construction.
read moreAlexandria, VA—As new governors, legislators, state superintendents, and members of state boards of education begin their work after their elections and appointments, they join peers across the country who are grappling with how best to lead state education systems so that all students are well prepared for success in learning, work, and life. Despite the […]
read moreIs there another domestic policy space more complicated than state education governance? In the face of the 50-plus ways of constructing state systems of public education in this country, the authors in this issue of The Standard attempt to tease out what constitutes strong leadership and effective governance.
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