The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Early Childhood Education

Policy Update

Investing in Early Childhood Workforce Recovery

Analysis details how states, including Kentucky, New Jersey, North Carolina and others, are using COVID relief funds to help the early childhood workforce recover from the pandemic.

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Advancing the Early Literacy Workforce by Working with State Legislators

*NASBE Members-only Learning Session* Widening achievement gaps in reading underscore the urgent need for state leaders to work together to boost early literacy and support effective professional development for educators. Existing PD has been criticized for its lack of efficacy, disconnection from the science of reading, and absence of policy support. The policy landscape may […]

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Join the NASBE Early Literacy Work Group

NASBE invites state board members and state board staff to join a work group to learn from national experts about early-literacy trends and research and from states that have employed effective policies and practices to increase young children’s reading success. Research demonstrates that students not reading proficiently by the end of third grade are four […]

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NASBE Recruits Two States for ECE Network

The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) seeks applicants to join the NASBE Early Childhood Education (ECE) State Network as part of its efforts to support a well-qualified, equitable, well-compensated ECE workforce through effective state policies. NASBE welcomes state proposals that seek to develop or build on existing innovative strategies to mitigate the […]

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State Innovations

Michigan Adds Certificate for Birth to Kindergarten Teachers

A detail of how the Michigan State Board of Education, working closely with the state education agency, is expanding opportunities to improve early educators’ preparation.

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Press Release

Michigan’s Birth to Kindergarten Certificate Professionalizes Early Learning Workforce

A new NASBE analysis details how the Michigan State Board of Education, working closely with the state education agency, is expanding opportunities to improve early educators’ preparation.

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Early Childhood Education Summit

Join us as national experts discuss the challenges facing ECE and the strategies and resources states can tap to meet them. Participants will learn from other state board colleagues about barriers to effective ECE policymaking and potential solutions.

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Helping Early Educators Support Children and Families: Implications for Policy and Practice

This webinar helps state leaders understand the emotional toll of the pandemic on children, families, and educators and provide strategies for educator self-care.

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Press Release

NASBE Releases Reports on Policies to Support Quality Early Education and Remote Learning

There's a role to play for state board leaders to advance high quality early education and remote learning.

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