Career Pathways and Graduation Requirements

The Standard - Article

How Rhode Island Increased the Value of a High School Diploma

New graduation requirements aim to align with college admission standards and address inequities in college and career readiness.

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The Standard - Article

Merging High School and College: The Early College High School Model

Six elements in statewide law and policy pave the way for effective programs that help more students thrive in college courses while they are still in high school.

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The Standard

High Schools That Matter

This issue of The Standard reimagines the high school experience, illuminating the data, policy reforms, and engagement with students, families, and educators that must align to make redesign possible.

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The Standard - Column

NCSBEE Voice: Adopting a Seal of Biliteracy: A State Perspective

The seal of biliteracy is important for our students and marks their readiness to engage a globalized world.

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Press Release

States Draw Up Graduate Profiles to Be Their Education System’s “North Star”

Leaders in South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Washington describe the process for creating and implementing graduate profiles and detail lessons they learned during their creation.

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State Innovations

States Sketch 'Portraits of a Graduate'

While their entry points and approaches to the work differ, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Washington have all drawn up profiles that many call the North Star of their state education systems.

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The Standard - Article

Ensuring Students with Disabilities Leave School Ready to Succeed

State boards can watch policies for red flags that hold students back.

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Policy Update

State Boards Wrestle with Graduation Policy during Pandemic

States acted quickly to suspend end-of-year assessments and amend graduation requirements for high school seniors amid COVID-19. This policy update highlights trends in state guidance around graduation and grade advancement and how some are addressing inherent equity challenges.

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The Standard

Getting Students Career Ready

Every student needs academic and technical skills to prepare them for life and every student needs to plant their feet on a career pathway during their K-12 journey.

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