Policy Update
Several state boards are leveraging graduation requirements, diploma seals, specialized high schools, accountability systems, and aligning with business needs to expand work-based learning opportunities for more students.
Policy Update
This NASBE analysis looks at 49 state strategic plans and finds many target learning recovery and other pandemic-related education issues.
Press Release
A new NASBE Policy Update examines state actions in on early childhood education in 2023.
Policy Update
In 2023, several states made significant strides toward universal pre-K, increased funding and support for early educators, and improved literacy and math instruction.
Policy Update
Challenges persist in attracting and retaining this school-based mental health professionals, but some states, including Virginia, Ohio, Colorado, Michigan, and others, are making progress.
Policy Update
Mortality rates from overdose in adolescents rose by 94 percent in 2020, largely due to illicit fentanyl.
State Innovations
While their entry points and approaches to the work differ, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Washington have all drawn up profiles that many call the North Star of their state education systems.
Power of the Question
There is an acute need for increased services, education, and supports for student mental health. Here are six questions to frame state board discussions on promoting student mental health.