Education Governance

The Standard - Column

News & Notes: May 2023

The president is seeking significant increases in the overall education budget.

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The Standard - Column

We the Media: Stepping Out on the Public Square

Communications folks can help your board develop media relationships that will lead to better reporting and a keener understanding of the board's policy decisions and initiatives.

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The Standard - Article

Access to Data Is Key to Navigating High School and Beyond

Surveyed students report being at sea on postsecondary options and the progress they are making toward their goals.

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Building Bridges for Student Mental Health

Building Bridges for Student Mental Health was a joint initiative of NASBE and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) with the goal of establishing and enhancing productive, collaborative, and trustworthy relationships between state education leaders, medical experts, and families to improve student mental health. The project started in 2022 and ended in fall 2023.

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Press Release

NASBE’s Standard Examines Elements of Strong Leadership and Effective State Education Governance

Alexandria, VA—As new governors, legislators, state superintendents, and members of state boards of education begin their work after their elections and appointments, they join peers across the country who are grappling with how best to lead state education systems so that all students are well prepared for success in learning, work, and life. Despite the […]

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The Standard

Leading and Governing

Is there another domestic policy space more complicated than state education governance? In the face of the 50-plus ways of constructing state systems of public education in this country, the authors in this issue of The Standard attempt to tease out what constitutes strong leadership and effective governance.

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The Standard - Article

Harnessing the Power of Evidence-Based Policymaking

State boards should lean into education data and work to overcome challenges to doing so.

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The Standard - Column

From the President's Pen: Want to Be a Great State Board Member?

We are stronger when we work together and seek common ground.

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