The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Education Governance


Gauging Support for Social and Emotional Skill Building, A Look at New Survey Research

Recognizing the key role social and emotional health plays in all students’ academic success, state boards of education across the country have adopted or are considering policies to support social and emotional learning (SEL) and must communicate with constituents about those policies. What is the public’s understanding of SEL? Are they supportive of embedding SEL […]

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Policy Update

Involving Students in State Education Governance

This analysis outlines the advantages to having a student at the state board table, not the least of which is having direct input from the very people that education policies are meant to benefit, increasing stakeholder engagement, and developing civically engaged youth leaders.

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Policy Update

Protecting Privacy of School Directory Information

This analysis explores data protections for school directory information.

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Policy Update

Trends in Student Data Sharing and Privacy in 2018

In 2018, state boards of education discussed and adopted policies to increase accountability for student data protection and to increase transparency of schoolwide data through data dashboards. This analysis highlights changes in state policy that cover data protection requirements, test administration and security, records retention, and confidentiality protocols.

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Policy Update

The Impact of the 2018 Elections on State Boards of Education

This analysis examines how leadership changes brought about by the 2018 elections will affect state boards.

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Policy Update

States Set Sights on Growth of Low-Performing Students

With the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states can include a student growth indicator as a measure of school quality in their accountability systems. Most of them do. Nine states also saw this as an opportunity and added a separate growth measure for the bottom quartile and quintile of students.

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Also from NASBE

NASBE at 60: State Boards Reflect the History of Public Education in America

Read about the rich history of state boards and the organization that was created to serve and support them.

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The Standard

Getting to the Core of School Finance

While most state boards do not directly make funding decisions in their states, they still have the opportunity to review budget requests and appropriations and provide guidance to school districts to ensure that school spending is adequate to serve the needs of all students.

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Policy Update

Expanding and Aligning World Language Teaching

This NASBE policy update discusses ways state boards can bridge the divide between English-only and non-English speakers by promoting policies to increase world language workforce capacity and better align language programs to communities and national need.

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