The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Education Governance


Virtual Annual Conference 2020

Join us for a stimulating virtual conference experience. The inspiring, thought-provoking sessions at this year's conference will give both new and longtime members high-quality learning opportunities to equip them to lead for excellence and equity and will elevate the role of state boards of education in policymaking and effective leadership.

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Press Release

NASBE Membership Elects New Leaders to Its Board of Directors

Brooke Axiotis of Iowa serves as chair of NASBE’s Board of Directors; Byron Ernest of Indiana chosen as chair-elect.

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Leveraging Federal Legislation and Data to Build an Education-to-Workforce Pipeline

The places where individuals live and learn dramatically affect their opportunities and life outcomes, including access to a high-quality education, workforce training, and employment. Researchers Susan Bowles Therriault and Trent Sharp of the American Institutes for Research argue that state leaders must pay attention to the effects of geography as they develop policies to build […]

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Press Release

LEAHP Project Launches to Help States Develop Adolescent Health Policies

The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE), in partnership with Child Trends and the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD), has launched the Leadership Exchange for Adolescent Health Promotion (LEAHP).

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Boardmanship Reviews

Defining and Defending State Board Authority

State board members should act early and often to articulate their board’s vital role in achieving excellence and equity for all students.

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Boardmanship Reviews

Working with the Governor

Governors and state boards can make real advances in education policy when they work together, with the governor articulating broad goals for education and the state board developing the policy infrastructure to support those goals.

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Forecasting Governor Education Priorities: What State Boards Need to Know

According to a NASBE analysis of all 2019 “state of the state” addresses, nearly every governor is prioritizing education. But what does this mean for state board members? How can state boards of education find common ground with their governor to achieve good outcomes for students? Join NASBE for a webinar on June 5 from […]

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Policy Update

Governors Draw Roadmap toward Common Ground on State Education

In 2019, almost all governors spoke on education concerns in their "state of the state addresses," including school funding, career and technical education, postsecondary funding and financial aid, early childhood education, and teacher pay.

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Policy Update

Gauging Support for Social and Emotional Skill Building

To help state boards of education and other policymakers learn how to communicate most effectively on policies related to SEL, NASBE commissioned Edge Research to conduct a survey of community influ­encers in Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, and Washington to gauge their understanding of SEL.

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