Education Governance

The Standard - Column

We the Media: Communicating in Anxiety-Laden Times

In the face of shifting, sometimes conflicting guidance, reopening schools is easier said than done. For communicating in uncertain times, my advice is this: Manage change with authority.

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Press Release

At Least 14 State Boards Elevate Teachers’ Voices in State Education Policymaking

A growing number of state boards of education are involving teachers in policymaking decisions, says NASBE analysis.

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Policy Update

Involving Teachers in State Education Governance

A growing number of states boards of education see the advantages of involving teachers in policymaking decisions. Many have created a place for a current teacher to serve on the board.

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Policy Update

States Make Plans for Reopening

In anticipation of the 2020–21 school year, states have been creating and updating guidance for district and school reopening plans. Several trends emerge.

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Press Release

Statement on the Death of George Floyd and Racial Protests

The social unrest and political upheaval gripping our nation must renew our resolve to act against the systemic, persistent plague of bias and racial injustice that our young people face.

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The Standard - Column

We the Media: Communicating in Times of Crisis

Effective, clear communications in uncertain times is critical—for parents, policymakers, and the public.

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Press Release

NASBE Urges Congress to Increase COVID Response and E-Rate Funding to States

NASBE urges Congress to increase education funding to help states respond to COVID-19.

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Policy Update

Continued Learning during COVID-19

States are issuing guidance with an eye toward equity to help schools implement continuous learning for all students and adapt to a variety of needs and circumstances amidst widespread school closures from COVID-19.

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A Look at State Education Governance

State boards of education are different in every state and have diverse policy authority. Some are created by the state constitution and others by statute. Some of their members are elected; some are appointed. In many states, it is the state board who selects the state education chief. In others, it is the governor. Use […]

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