In its year-end stimulus package, Congress provided public schools more than $54 billion in pandemic relief and emphasized using the funds to address student learning loss. Given anticipated state and local budget shortfalls and increased student need after months of remote learning, it is imperative that the interventions that education leaders invest in to boost students’ academic skills be research driven. Join NASBE for a webinar presentation and moderated discussion with three experts. Dr. Kristen Huff, vice president of assessment and research at Curriculum Associates, will highlight tools to help teachers and schools identify student learning gaps and accelerate individualized instruction. Dr. David Steiner, a former Maryland state board member and executive director of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy, will present evidence on effective catch-up learning strategies. Brown University Associate Professor of Education and Economics Dr. Matthew A. Kraft will discuss high-dosage tutoring at scale, a strategy being pursued in England and the Netherlands.