Press Release
Over two years, NASBE will lead a network of states to examine policies and practices to transform the high school experience.
The High School Transformation State Network (HSTSN) aims to build and enhance the capacity of state boards of education to enable high school experiences that foster content mastery and durable skills.
NASBE in the News
In this insightful Q&A with the Carnegie Foundation, NASBE President and CEO Paolo DeMaria shares his thoughts on the vital role state boards can play to transform educational policy and practice.
Press Release
Twenty-four states reserve a seat for students on the state board. These students need to be proactive and receive mentorship to be effective in their state board roles, NASBE analysis finds.
Policy Update
Many state boards of education reserve a seat at the board table for students. But representation is only the first step. Students need to be proactive and receive mentorship to be effective in their state board roles.
NASBE offers state board members a new professional development learning series to help achieve better, measurable outcomes for children and families.
Press Release
New NASBE analysis sees shift in emphasis for state strategic plans for K-12 education that were developed post-pandemic.
Policy Update
This NASBE analysis looks at 49 state strategic plans and finds many target learning recovery and other pandemic-related education issues.