Teachers and Leaders

The Standard - Column

State Board Voice: Educator Mental Health

Educators live at the intersection of policy, practice, and people.

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Policy Update

Investing in Early Childhood Workforce Recovery

Analysis details how states, including Kentucky, New Jersey, North Carolina and others, are using COVID relief funds to help the early childhood workforce recover from the pandemic.

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Press Release

NASBE Analysis Urges Preparation for Principals in Crisis Management

Analysis finds state and district leaders all have a role to play in building principals’ capacity to face crises with resilience and lead in ways that best serve students and support and retain teachers.

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Policy Update

Preparing School Leaders for Crises

Leadership preparation programs and state and district leaders all have a role to play in building principals’ capacity to face crises with resilience and lead in ways that best serve students and support and retain teachers.

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Press Release

States Adopt Trauma-Informed Teacher Training, Few Consider Secondary Traumatic Stress

Embed trauma-informed practices in mandated teacher training can ensure that schools reduce the risks to teachers from STS, according to NASBE analysis.

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Policy Update

Building Trauma-Informed School Systems

This analysis highlights ways states can embed trauma-informed practices in mandated teacher training and ensure that schools reduce the risks to teachers from STS.

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Building Trauma-Informed School Systems

This webinar highlights approaches states are taking through policies and programming to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to provide trauma-informed instruction and avoid secondary traumatic stress.

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The Standard - Article

Achieving Equity and Excellence in Mathematics Teaching

States should revamp how teachers are equipped to deliver effective instruction.

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Partner Resource

Developing Effective Principals: What Kind of Learning Matters?

High-quality principal development is linked to better outcomes for principals, teachers, and students, but access to it varies by state and school poverty levels. Changes in public policy could help fix that, according to this research commissioned by The Wallace Foundation.

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