The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Teachers and Leaders

Policy Update

Teachers Need Multifaceted Support to Improve Literacy

To improve literacy, states should invest in comprehensive supports for teachers to equip them to deliver high-quality, evidence-based instruction.

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Working with Institutes of Higher Education to Advance the ECE Workforce

High-quality early learning requires a high-quality workforce with specialized knowledge and skills. Several states boards of education, including in Illinois, are playing an active role in developing a well-qualified early learning workforce, while expanding opportunities for more early educators to enter the field. Join us on Wednesday, May 10, to learn about the Illinois Early […]

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Press Release

States Can Strengthen Principal Preparation through Internships

Alexandria, VA—Eighteen percent of principals leave their posts annually, largely citing inadequate preparation as a key reason for leaving. Yet, principal preparation programs have been slow to keep up with the changing demands of the profession. In the same way investing in teacher apprenticeship programs helps address teacher shortages, strengthening principal preparation through principal internships […]

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Policy Update

Preparing Principals through High-Quality Internships

To equip and retain more high-quality school leaders, states can encourage principal internships as a key part of preparation.

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Partner Resource

​States as Leaders, Followers, and Partners: Lessons from the ESSA Leadership Learning Community and the University Principal Preparation Initiative

Reflecting on two Wallace-funded efforts about effective principal development, political scientist Paul Manna highlights key lessons, including the value of fostering fruitful partnerships among a range of institutions with a stake in improving public schools. He concludes state policymakers, in particular, have invaluable roles to play advancing the principalship.  

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State Partnerships Advancing School Leadership

In his recent report, States as Leaders, Followers, and Partners, Dr. Paul Manna, professor of government and public policy at William & Mary, reflects on evidence from two Wallace Foundation initiatives that encouraged states to play a more active role in developing high-quality principals. He notes that while distinct, both endeavors “convey quite clearly that […]

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Press Release

NASBE’s Standard Explores Strategies to Better Prepare, Recruit, and Support Teachers

Alexandria, VA—Educator shortages and the burnout of teachers and school leaders in the wake of the pandemic have been the subject of news headlines and on the agendas of state boards of education. In its recent announcement of federal initiatives to address staffing challenges, the Biden administration signaled its commitment to strengthen the profession. With […]

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Meeting Educator Staffing Challenges through Grow-Your-Own Programs

Join NASBE for a discuss on the promise of grow-your-own practices to strengthen the educator pipeline. We'll hear from state leaders from Missouri and West Virginia.

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The Standard

Equipping Teachers

Teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention tops the priorities among state board members for better information to guide policymaking.

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