The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) seeks state applicants to join the Early Childhood Education (ECE) State Network as part of its efforts to support a well-qualified, equitable, well-compensated early care and education workforce through effective state policies. NASBE welcomes state proposals that develop or build on existing innovative strategies to advance learning for children from birth to third grade and to support the ECE workforce and the system.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of NASBE’s ECE State Network. In the past decade, NASBE received steadfast support from the Foundation for Child Development and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to work with state boards of education to work with state boards of education to develop, revise, and adopt policies that strengthen the ECE system and its workforce.

Now 12 states strong, the ECE Network has made significant progress, demonstrating how state boards play a key role in leading initiatives to advance ECE policy. For example, Delaware, a state from our most recent cohort, hired a part-time policy fellow to explore the state’s early literacy licensure and certification system, as well as other early education and workforce issues. The fellow identified strategies to better support the student experience and expand the scope and impact of professional development for early educators.


The Opportunity

To further build the capacity of state boards to support the ECE system and the workforce, NASBE is now seeking two additional state boards to develop, revise, or adopt policies and share practices with other states. NASBE has the following desired outcomes in view:

  • a well-qualified, equitable, well-compensated workforce for children from birth to age 8;
  • an improved, better aligned system to support education from birth to age 8;
  • collaborative stakeholder engagement across agencies; and
  • supportive state policy and leadership.

Upon approval of their applications to join the network, the two selected states will each receive a stipend of $4,000 for one year in 2025.


Selection Criteria

Focus Areas. Applicant state boards should have a strong interest in work on ECE workforce issues to support educators and leaders serving children birth through age 8, focusing their proposed project on at least one of the areas identified in the National Academies’ report, Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation:

  1. educator competencies and certification;
  2. educator preparation programs;
  3. educator professional development; or
  4. compensation

Proposed issue topics could address the health and safety of young children and teachers, supporting dual language learners, early literacy and math, culturally responsive instruction, building birth-to-third-grade system alignment, policy audits, or development on teacher recruitment and retention, for example. States should ensure that proposed projects have at least one policy component to support ECE educators.

Stakeholders. State boards should include state and local stakeholders as team members or partners in their applications. State boards may also consider participants from other state entities, including state departments of education, health, and family and child care; Head Start; ECE advisory councils; state educator leadership, licensure, and accreditation agencies; leaders and faculty from higher education; and other early care and education stakeholders.

Submit your completed application to Winona Hao, NASBE’s director of early learning, by Friday, February 14, 2025.

Those interested in learning more about this opportunity and joining the ECE Network should attend our information session on January 28, 2025 at 2:00 pm ET. Register here.


ECE Network 2025 Request for Proposals Application

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