The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

High School Transformation State Network

The High School Transformation State Network (HSTSN) aims to build and enhance the capacity of state boards of education to enable student experiences that foster content mastery and durable skills. Over the next two years, NASBE, in partnership with KnowledgeWorks and in coordination with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, will recruit and lead a network of states in examining policies and implementation practices that facilitate or impede high school transformation. State teams of students, school leaders, higher education and workforce development leaders, and state boards will jointly develop action plans to streamline workflows across sectors and enable local innovation in the best interest of students.

While some students thrive in traditional high schools, K-12 education systems in the U.S. fail to engage all students with relevant, authentic learning experiences and do not always equip them with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for postsecondary success. Recent polling reveals that only 34 percent of 12th graders feel engaged in school and 44 percent of 11th graders are excited about the future. Furthermore, the system perpetuates inequities in access to rigorous college and career preparatory coursework, with high-poverty schools often lacking dual enrollment programs and advanced STEM courses compared with their low-poverty counterparts.

The goals of the High School Transformation State Network include:

  • Establishing a collaborative network of state teams made up of state boards of education, state policymakers in higher education and workforce development, and students and school leaders;
  • Enhancing state policymakers’ understanding of the policies and implementation practices that facilitate or impede high school transformation;
  • Improving alignment across education and workforce sectors and enable local innovation in the best interest of students; and
  • Positioning state boards to enable change in their states and develop policies based on evidence-based practices and diverse stakeholder feedback.

NASBE will co-develop this work with KnowledgeWorks, a national nonprofit that works with states to advance policy efforts that support innovative teaching and learning practices. NASBE will also draw on the expertise of national leaders in high school transformation work across the country and current high school students to advise on project goals, share insights and relevant research, and facilitate connections across the state network. State recruitment for the HSTSN will begin in December 2024, with network activities occurring throughout 2025.

This work is made possible with funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Read our fact sheet to learn more about the HSTSN and opportunities for getting involved by contacting Celina Pierrottet, NASBE’s associate program director. 

Project Fact Sheet: HSTSN

Press Release

Six States Join Network to Advance High School Innovation

Over two years, NASBE will lead a network of states in examining policies and practices to make the high school experience more relevant and engaging.

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Press Release

NASBE Launches High School Transformation State Network Advisory Councils

NASBE is pleased to announce the formation of two advisory councils to support its High School Transformation State Network.

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Policy Update

Expanding Access to K-12 High School Work-Based Learning

Several state boards are leveraging graduation requirements, diploma seals, specialized high schools, accountability systems, and aligning with business needs to expand work-based learning opportunities for more students.

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Press Release

State Board Members Learn about Strengthening Principal Pipelines and Transformative High School Models

State board members joined us for an inspiring visit to Waggener High School as part of our preconference programming at Annual Conference in Louisville, Kentucky.

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NASBE in the News

Navigating Educational Transformation: A Q&A with State Board Leader Paolo DeMaria

In this insightful Q&A with the Carnegie Foundation, NASBE President and CEO Paolo DeMaria shares his thoughts on the vital role state boards can play to transform educational policy and practice.

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Press Release

NASBE Launches High School Transformation State Network to Enhance Student Learning and Success

Over two years, NASBE will lead a network of states to examine policies and practices to transform the high school experience.

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State Innovations

States Sketch 'Portraits of a Graduate'

While their entry points and approaches to the work differ, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Washington have all drawn up profiles that many call the North Star of their state education systems.

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The Standard

High Schools That Matter

This issue of The Standard reimagines the high school experience, illuminating the data, policy reforms, and engagement with students, families, and educators that must align to make redesign possible.

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The Standard - Column

State Board Voice: Kentucky's Portrait of a Learner

When fully implemented, portraits of a learner become the lever by which teachers, schools, and communities rebalance learning expectations.

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Reimagining High School: The Role for State Leadership

This webinar will explore what it takes to redesign a high school and how state policy can catalyze—or hinder—transformation at scale.

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