Teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention have long topped the list of state board priorities, and the pandemic only increased the urgency of state efforts. NASBE’s latest State Education Standard explores strategies states can use to meet school staffing challenges and strengthen the teaching profession. Often touted as a way to expand and diversify the pool of teaching candidates, grow-your-own programs are taking hold in several states. Join NASBE on September 29 as we discuss this promising practice with state leaders from Missouri and West Virginia who are engaged in this work, along with a leader of a national grow-your-own initiative that is helping states across the country launch grow-your-own programs in partnership with educator preparation providers.
Speakers on this webinar:
- Paul Katnik, Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Educator Quality, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- Carla Warren, Director of Educator Development and Support, West Virginia Department of Education
- David Donaldson, Managing Partner, National Center for Grow Your Own
- Paolo DeMaria, NASBE President and CEO