While we miss seeing all of you in person, were delighted to offer you a stimulating virtual conference experience. Please enjoy these inspiring, thought-provoking sessions from our virtual annual conference, now on demand.
Annual Conference 2020 Session Videos
The inspiring, thought-provoking sessions at this year's annual conference will give both new and longtime members high-quality learning opportunities to equip them to lead for excellence and equity and will elevate the role of state boards of education in policymaking and effective leadership. Some of the offerings include:
- Leading an Equity Agenda: Addressing Policy Actions, Access, Opportunity
- Increasing Workforce Diversity to Benefit All Students
- Assessment and Accountability Policy in a Pandemic
- Advancing Equity in Digital Learning
- Preparing Our Earliest Learners for a Lifetime of Success
- Shaping Policy through a Whole Child Lens
- Literacy in an Online Environment
- Elections in 2020 & Governing in 2021: Policy & Politics
- And more!
Visit our conference website to learn more about this year's offerings.
We are excited about this year's conference keynotes and session speakers, including:
- Historian and author Ibram X. Kendi
- John King, Education Trust president and CEO and 10th U.S. Secretary of Education
- Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute
- Richard Cullata, ISTE
- Tabatha Rosproy, National Teacher of the Year 2020
- Carl Cannon, RealClearPolitics
- And many more!
Visit our conference website to learn about all of our keynotes and session speakers.
Registration fees for NASBE's virtual annual conference are as follows:
- State Board of Education: NASBE Member, $125
- State Board of Education: NASBE Non-member, $225
- All other NASBE Annual Conference Attendees, $225
- National Council of State Education Attorneys Conference: NCOSEA Member, $50
- National Council of State Education Attorneys: NCOSEA Non-member, $100