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Education Leaders Report   |   May 2015Volume 1, No. 1
Deeper Learning: Policies for a 21st Century Education

Many states—and state boards in particular—have articulated and supported policies to enable deeper learning. Such policies include the adoption and implementation of new college, career, and civic-ready standards that focus on deeper understanding of fewer, more essential areas of content; accountability and assessment systems that not only emphasize what students know but what students are able to do with knowledge; support for educator preparation systems that enable deeper learning competencies; and provisions for greater flexibility and innovation for schools working to prepare students for this new world. While much of this work is under way across the country, states are at different stages of implementation, and challenges remain in making cohesive connections across initiatives.

This report provides foundational principles that underlie deeper learning, explores issues, provides state examples, and includes worksheets that boards can use to facilitate discussions and come to solutions that make sense given the unique needs of each state.

Deeper Learning_Policies for a 21st Century Education

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