The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Press Release

States Can Strengthen Principal Preparation through Internships

Alexandria, VA—Eighteen percent of principals leave their posts annually, largely citing inadequate preparation as a key reason for leaving. Yet, principal preparation programs have been slow to keep up with the changing demands of the profession. In the same way investing in teacher apprenticeship programs helps address teacher shortages, strengthening principal preparation through principal internships […]

Partner Resource

​States as Leaders, Followers, and Partners: Lessons from the ESSA Leadership Learning Community and the University Principal Preparation Initiative

Reflecting on two Wallace-funded efforts about effective principal development, political scientist Paul Manna highlights key lessons, including the value of fostering fruitful partnerships among a range of institutions with a stake in improving public schools. He concludes state policymakers, in particular, have invaluable roles to play advancing the principalship.  

Board Members

Keven Ellis

Keven Ellis was elected to the Texas State Board of Education in November 2016 and reelected in 2020 and 2022. Gov. Greg Abbott appointed Ellis chair twice, where he served from 2019 to 2023. Ellis is a member of the board’s Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund, which oversees agenda items related to the Permanent School […]


Healthy School Facilities Network

NASBE created the Healthy School Facilities Network (HSFN) to build and enhance the capacity of states to provide healthy school facilities. HSFN helped states increase access to healthy school facilities over a 9-month period: September 2022 – June 2023.

Press Release

States Ramp Up Efforts to Combat Student Substance Abuse

Added concerns about the pandemic’s impact on youth mental and physical health and recent spikes in adolescent mortality rates due to illicit fentanyl use have spurred some states to reexamine how they approach substance abuse education and prevention in schools, according to a new NASBE policy update.