The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Safe and Healthy Schools

Policy Update

Tackling the Lack of School-Based Lead Testing

This NASBE analysis explores why many school districts are not testing for lead and how state policymakers can take active measures to change that.

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Press Release

State Boards Can Lead on Setting Lead Remediation Policies for Schools

A new NASBE analysis explores why many school districts are not testing for lead and how state policymakers can take preventative, active measures to protect students and staff.

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Press Release

States Move to Support Teachers through Employee Wellness Programs

By creating opportunities and infrastructure for employee wellness programs, state boards of education and other policymakers can foster the physical and emotional well-being of teachers and school leaders.

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Policy Update

Supporting Educators through Employee Wellness Initiatives

By creating opportunities and infrastructure for employee wellness programs, state boards of education and other policymakers can foster the physical and emotional well-being of teachers and school leaders. 

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Press Release

LEAHP Project Launches to Help States Develop Adolescent Health Policies

The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE), in partnership with Child Trends and the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD), has launched the Leadership Exchange for Adolescent Health Promotion (LEAHP).

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Leadership Exchange for Adolescent Health Promotion

LEAHP is a learning collaborative of multi-sector, state-level leadership teams with the goal to develop state-specific action plans in support of policy assessment, development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation to address adolescent health in three priority areas: sexual health education, sexual health services, and safe and supportive environments in schools.

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Policy Update

Gauging Support for Social and Emotional Skill Building

To help state boards of education and other policymakers learn how to communicate most effectively on policies related to SEL, NASBE commissioned Edge Research to conduct a survey of community influ­encers in Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, and Washington to gauge their understanding of SEL.

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Gauging Support for Social and Emotional Skill Building, A Look at New Survey Research

Recognizing the key role social and emotional health plays in all students’ academic success, state boards of education across the country have adopted or are considering policies to support social and emotional learning (SEL) and must communicate with constituents about those policies. What is the public’s understanding of SEL? Are they supportive of embedding SEL […]

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Using Policy to Create Healthy Schools: Tools for State Policymakers

Earlier this year, NASBE launched the State Policy Database on School Health, an online library of all existing state statutory and regulatory language on student health aligned to components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. On Friday, March 29, join us for a special webinar hosted by Child Trends to learn how state policies […]

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