The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.


Healthy School Facilities Network

NASBE created the Healthy School Facilities Network (HSFN) to build and enhance the capacity of states to provide healthy school facilities. HSFN helped states increase access to healthy school facilities over a 9-month period: September 2022 – June 2023.

Policy Update

Engaging Youth in Education Policymaking

More than 400 students now serve as members of state boards of education or state advisory councils in 33 states. Learn how states are elevating student voice and leadership in education policymaking.

Policy Update

Building Trauma-Informed School Systems

This analysis highlights ways states can embed trauma-informed practices in mandated teacher training and ensure that schools reduce the risks to teachers from STS.

Building Trauma-Informed School Systems

This webinar highlights approaches states are taking through policies and programming to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to provide trauma-informed instruction and avoid secondary traumatic stress.


Student Engagement Collaborative

NASBE’s Student Engagement Collaborative aimed to help center student voice in state education policymaking and pandemic recovery with the goal of improving outcomes for all students. This project occurred between 2021 and 2022.