The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Recognizing the growing interest in education technology among its members, NASBE launched the EdTech Advisory Group in March 2024. This group brought together state board members from Arkansas, Illinois, Georgia, New York, Kansas, Maryland, Utah, Virginia, and the District of Columbia to discuss policy trends, explore the latest research, and shape NASBE’s educational technology initiatives.

Since its inception, the group has convened three times to discuss critical issues, including AI in education, digital equity and inclusion, professional development for teachers, and state education technology planning.

NASBE has secured funding to continue this work, and we are recruiting new state board members who are passionate about education technology to join. As a member, you will have opportunities in 2025 to

  • attend or present at national EdTech conferences;
  • learn from peers and leading experts on cutting-edge developments and best practices; and
  • help design an AI toolkit for state policymaking.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Winona Hao.

Featured Items


Expanding Access to K-12 High School Work-Based Learning

Several state boards are leveraging graduation requirements, diploma seals, specialized high schools, accountability systems, and aligning with business needs to expand work-based learning opportunities for more students.

Connecting Schools and Communities

Authors in this issue of the Standard suggest myriad ways in which communities can be force multipliers for ensuring that all children are engaged in learning and prepared to thrive as adults.
Girl writing at classroom desk. Image credit: iStock i

NASBE Statement on 2024 NAEP Results in Fourth and Eighth Grade Reading and Math

NASBE issued the following statement in response to the latest release of The Nation’s Report Card.

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