January 2023
Volume 23, No. 1
Leading and Governing
Is there another domestic policy space more complicated than state education governance? In the face of the 50-plus ways of constructing state systems of public education in this country, the authors in this issue attempt to tease out what constitutes strong leadership and effective governance. It requires that the myriad leaders of the interlocking parts fix on common goals, work collaboratively to achieve them, seek data on outcomes, and commit to bringing more light than heat to conflicts that arise along the way. State boards of education are part of the mix to add stability to goal setting and ward off partisan attempts to whipsaw the system this way then that. Easier said than done, say readers who can recall painful episodes where efforts to do good things on behalf of students fell flat.

Effective State Education Governance
By Arnold F. ShoberNo one model is clearly superior, but relationships, talent, and shared loyalty are marks of governance systems that get things done.
Roadmap to Excellence: Strategic Planning for State Boards
By Abigail Potts and Paolo DeMariaSavvy boards can increase the odds their plans will live, breathe, and have measurable impact.
State Takeovers: No Silver Bullet for School District Improvement
By Beth SchuelerOn average, takeover fails to improve achievement measures, but how it is done matters a lot.
Harnessing the Power of Evidence-Based Policymaking
By Heather Boughton and Sara KerrState boards should lean into education data and work to overcome challenges to doing so.
State Boards and the Governance of Early Childhood Education
By Elliot RegensteinAs states seek to bring coherence to the disparate systems that have a hand in early education and care, state boards have key roles to play.
The Role of Teachers Unions in School Governance during COVID-19
By Sara Dahill-Brown and Lesley LaveryWhile relationships with school leaders were contentious in places, many districts benefited from collaborative ones.
From the President’s Pen: Want to Be a Great State Board Member?
By Paolo DeMariaWe are stronger when we work together and seek common ground.
The NASBE Interview: Clarence Crawford, Eric Davis, and Casandra Ulbrich
By Clarence Crawford, Eric Davis and Casandra UlbrichAs a board, we can disagree on policy matters without becoming disagreeable.
NCOSEA Voice: Resolving Disputes without a Lawyer
By Mackenzie WilliamsResolving disputes requires careful attention to relationships and a willingness to work together.
NCSBEE Voice: Adopting a Seal of Biliteracy: A State Perspective
By McCall FlynnThe seal of biliteracy is important for our students and marks their readiness to engage a globalized world.