The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Healthy School Facilities Network

The National Association of State Boards of Education has created the Healthy School Facilities Network (HSFN) to build and enhance the capacity of states to provide healthy school facilities. A 2021 NASBE landscape analysis of state-level programs for testing lead in school drinking water found states encounter challenges in the areas of outreach and coordination, transparent communication, data collection and management, and technical and financial support.

With the right partnerships, planning, and implementation support, states can address these challenges and ensure that every student learns in a building that meets their basic needs and contributes to academic success and that staff can operate in a safe workplace. Through HSFN, NASBE aims to give states the support needed to address locally identified priorities.

Toward that end, the HSFN will help states increase access to healthy school facilities over a 9-month period (September 2022 – June 2023) by:

  • Building a shared understanding of the role physical learning environments have on student health and academic success;
  • Convening state teams for cross-state collaboration, information sharing, and briefings by national experts, researchers, and federal officials;
  • Facilitating enhanced communication between federal, state, and local partners to address state specific challenges and leverage federal funds for facility improvements;
  • Offering guidance on the alignment between the state’s current/ongoing school facilities improvement efforts, state strategic plan, and federal funding opportunities;
  • Providing technical assistance, research, and supporting action plan development;
  • Elevating examples of state leadership and success in publications, during public webinars and national conversations.

The Georgia, Indiana, Guam, and District of Columbia state boards have each formed teams of key leaders to engage in HSFN learning activities and develop action plans and policy solutions to advance school facility improvements. Each team has received a $10,000 grant to convene in-state stakeholder meetings and spur conversations around enhancing the state’s school facility improvement efforts.

The HSFN is made possible by the Joyce Foundation, a nonpartisan private foundation that invests in public policies and strategies to advance racial equity and economic mobility for the next generation in the Great Lakes Region. Read our fact sheet to learn more about the HSFN and opportunities for getting involved by contacting Celina Pierrottet

Policy Update

Investing Equitably in School Facilities

With newly available federal infrastructure funding, states can direct resources toward school facilities with the most need.

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NASBE Recruits Five States for Healthy School Facilities Network

NASBE is launching a new Healthy School Facilities (HSF) Network! We will select 5 states to participate, and each state will receive a grant of $10,000 to support staff work time and to convene in-state stakeholder meetings.

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Education Leaders Reports

How States Are Handling Lead in School Drinking Water

This NASBE analysis details how statewide efforts to test for lead in school drinking water vary across the country.

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Policy Update

Preparing Facilities for Students' Return in the Wake of COVID-19

To reopen schools, they need to be clean and safe for students, educators, and staff. What state leaders need to consider as they issue guidance for schools.

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Press Release

Reopening Schools Requires Evidence-Based Strategies for Facilities Preparation

State boards of education can partner with state education agencies to ensure reopening guidance aligns with federal recommendations on facilities care and operations and addresses equity concerns.

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Policy Update

Using Federal Funds to Remediate Lead

This NASBE analysis highlights ways state leaders can leverage the current policy climate and available federal funds to better support school districts in lead remediation so that all children have access to clean drinking water in schools.

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How States Are Handling Lead in School Drinking Water, Examining New Research

Join us for the webinar release of a new NASBE report that details the current landscape of state lead testing programs, both mandatory and voluntary, and common challenges, best practices in policy, and actionable recommendations for state leaders to address lead in drinking water at schools.

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Press Release

NASBE Partners with Elevate to Improve Water Safety in Schools

The year-long project will uncover challenges of school testing programs for lead in water and identify best practices for policy guidance and lead remediation efforts.

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Policy Update

Tackling the Lack of School-Based Lead Testing

This NASBE analysis explores why many school districts are not testing for lead and how state policymakers can take active measures to change that.

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