Teachers play the primary, pivotal role in translating college- and career-ready learning standards into practice. The Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning (C-SAIL) has published a new three-state study that highlights first-hand accounts from teachers, including challenges they face in implementing standards and resources they find most helpful in addressing those challenges and helping […]
The global economy places a premium on ensuring that high school graduates acquire the skills to succeed in college or careers. Real progress has been made over the past decade as states and districts hit new highs in graduation rates across all student groups. But despite these gains, many high school graduates, especially the most […]
Computer science continues to advance innovation throughout our economy and society. Yet fewer than half of U.S. schools offer any computer science courses, and only 8 percent of STEM graduates study it. Improving access to computer science coursework for all students, but especially groups who have traditionally been underrepresented, is within the grasp of state […]
This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the whole event here. All state ESSA plans were due September 18, and many will take advantage of expanded funding opportunities in ESSA’s Title I and Title II, Part A to make broad, sustained investments in cultivating high-quality school leaders. Others can still evolve and refine school leadership policies […]
The Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program leaves nearly 800,000 children of immigrants facing ambiguity about their future. On both sides of the aisle, lawmakers on Capitol Hill have urged a legislative fix to restore DACA protections so that the children of immigrants can become contributing members of […]
Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have submitted their ESSA accountability plans to the U.S. Department of Education, and the remainder will do so in September. The department gave initial feedback to eight states earlier this summer, and Bellwether Education Partners – in partnership with the Collaborative for Student Success – recently released their […]
*NASBE MEMBER-ONLY EVENT* President Trump’s FY 2018 budget proposal includes substantial changes to funding levels for education programs, such as greater investment in school choice and cuts to career and technical education, teacher training, and more. Regardless of whether the budget proposal ultimately passes both houses of Congress, it will likely play a big role […]
This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. Despite potential budget cuts to Title II, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states should continue their efforts to develop and enhance systems that support effective teaching and professional learning. ESSA defines professional learning as sustained, intensive, job-embedded, collaborative, classroom-focused, and data-driven, but only […]