According to a NASBE analysis of all 2019 “state of the state” addresses, nearly every governor is prioritizing education. But what does this mean for state board members? How can state boards of education find common ground with their governor to achieve good outcomes for students? Join NASBE for a webinar on June 5 from […]
Recognizing the key role social and emotional health plays in all students’ academic success, state boards of education across the country have adopted or are considering policies to support social and emotional learning (SEL) and must communicate with constituents about those policies. What is the public’s understanding of SEL? Are they supportive of embedding SEL […]
Earlier this year, NASBE launched the State Policy Database on School Health, an online library of all existing state statutory and regulatory language on student health aligned to components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. On Friday, March 29, join us for a special webinar hosted by Child Trends to learn how state policies […]
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to publicly display data on chronic absence statewide and on school report cards. In addition, 36 states and the District of Columbia opted to include chronic absence as a measure of school success in their ESSA accountability systems. This change positions state boards of education to delve […]
Everyone is talking about what the 2018 elections will mean for Congress, but state boards of education also face big implications on November 6. Thirty-six states and three territories are holding elections for governor, and many of these governors will appoint new state board of education members and state education chiefs. An additional 49 state […]
State boards of education across the nation are engaging in deep conversations about providing a safe and healthy learning environment for all students. NASBE will host a member-only webinar on school safety on April 20, 2018, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (EDT). As we all work to find a way forward after the events at Marjory Stoneman […]
Despite the prominent role race and cultural diversity play in our society, few safe spaces exist for policymakers and others to have open, honest dialogue about educational inequity. It is one reason why policymakers, educators, and communities continue to grapple with achievement gaps and racial disparities. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) underscores state policymakers’ […]
In partnership with the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Learning Policy Institute, and Learning Forward, NASBE is hosting “State Efforts for Building an Effective, Diverse Teacher Workforce,” a series of webinars on how states can ensure their policies help develop and support a diverse pipeline of teachers along a career continuum toward greater mastery and leadership. Ongoing, […]