The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

How State Boards Can Be Smarter About ‘Smart Snacks’ Implementation

Starting this July, all states must comply with the Smart Snacks rule of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. The policy, governed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), sets healthier nutrition standards for all foods sold on a school campus during the school day—not just the traditional lunches and breakfasts long subsidized through the […]

Student Data Privacy & State Policymakers: What You Should Know & What You Can Do

This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. In nearly every state, there is a complex and growing debate over student data privacy. Although schools have always kept records on students, new technology has opened the door to better data collection, better data analysis, and more personalized learning. But this technology has also sparked fears […]

CTE and College, Career, and Civic Readiness: The Role of State Boards

This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. More and more, state policymakers, and state boards of education in particular, are focused on Career Technical Education (CTE) as a means to address employers’ concerns over a growing knowledge and skills gap across the United States. Once considered an education track for those students who were […]

The New Federal School Discipline Guidance: What it Means for State Boards of Education

This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice jointly issued school discipline guidance to school districts and schools across the country outlining key principles for improving school climates and eliminating discipline disparities that persist among minority and special education students. Ensuring […]

Community Eligibility: What Policymakers Need to Know About Changes Coming to School Meals

This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. Just a few weeks ago, First Lady Michelle Obama and U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the expansion of a program that gives all students, regardless of income, free school meals in qualifying schools. The program is called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the […]

Education for the 21st Century: The Role of State Boards in Advancing Deeper Learning

This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. State policymakers across the country are increasingly focused on ensuring students not only master key academic content, but that they also learn important skills associated with 21st century success, including critical thinking and problem solving, effective communication, collaboration, and academic mindsets—competencies often referred to as “deeper learning.” […]

PARCC Field Tests: Is Your State Ready?

This webinar is now on-demand! Access the full event here. In just a few weeks, 15 states will be conducting PARCC field tests involving a sample of over one million students. The field test will occur over two testing windows. The first window is March 24-April 11, 2014, and will be focused on the performance-based component […]

Smarter Balanced Field Tests: Is Your State Ready?

This webinar is now on-demand! Access the full event here. In just a few weeks, 22 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands will start the Smarter Balanced “field tests,” to be completed during the March 18-June 6, 2014, testing window. As with a practice run at the Olympics, field testing allows states to see how a […]