This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. Student data privacy is in the news more than ever before: In 2015, 175 bills have so far been introduced in 45 states, and at least three federal bill drafts are circulating in Congress. Although schools have always kept records on students, technological advances have made student […]
This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. According to the US Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection, nearly 96 percent of our nation’s public school teachers are licensed and certified. So why are so many low-income and minority students still being taught in schools with the highest percentages of unqualified and inexperienced teachers? […]
This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. Since 2013, 13 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). While some states are deciding whether to sign on, other states are considering ways to modify existing science standards, adapt standards being used in other states, or develop their own. Implementing, […]
This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. Every 43 seconds a student drops out of school. A lack of engagement is cited as one—if not the—primary culprit, costing the country billions of dollars in lost earnings, healthcare costs, and other expenses. According to Gallup, nearly half of students are not engaged or actively disengaged […]
This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. In recent years, states around the country have taken notice of the public’s growing concern over the rising number of student-athletes sustaining concussions. To combat the almost 4 million concussions suffered in the United States per year, many states have started to implement ‘return-to-learn’ and ‘return-to-play’ policies that […]
This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. Without a daily, structured school environment, summer can be the hungriest time of year for children from low-income families. As a result, these students suffer consequences in terms of academic achievement, brain development, and overall health. The 1968 federal summer meals program was created to ensure that […]
Information on NASBE State Stipends Thursday, January 8, 3 pm EDT Requests for proposals are due Wednesday, February 4, 2015, for NASBE’s state stipends in four topic areas: Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, Deeper Learning, and School Leadership. A fifth RFP, called Connections, invites states to apply for a combination of two […]
This webinar is now on-demand! Watch the full event here. Policymakers, educators, parents, and students alike have long bemoaned the limitations of state multiple-choice assessments, recognizing that multiple choice bubble tests are at best insufficient and at worst counterproductive in supporting the learning demands of the 21st century. More states are therefore exploring performance assessments to better […]