September 2023
Volume 23, No. 3
Engaging All Students
Even the most casual reader cannot miss the tie that binds the contributions in this issue: Students who are engaged in learning—whether in the classroom or outside of it—are those making connections to interesting, real-world problems throughout the school day, to adults at school, and to their peers. But given the widespread reports of increased student disengagement, this vision for learning environments appears to be easy to describe but challenging to animate at scale.

Getting Students Engaged in Learning
By Jennifer A. FredricksTargeted interventions and savvy classroom practices, coupled with supportive state policy, can draw disengaged students back in.
Centering School Connectedness
By Robert BalfanzHigh schools are creating student success teams that prioritize relationships and leverage actionable data to reconnect students to school.
Chronic Absence: A Call for Deeper Student and Family Engagement
By Hedy ChangConnecticut's experience underscores the value of a positive, systemic approach to improving attendance.
Understanding Who Is Missing and Why
By Hailly T.N. KormanThe pandemic only magnified chronic absence among students with the greatest needs and made the problem harder to ignore.
How State Leaders Can Stand Up for the COVID Generation of High Schoolers
By Travis Pillow and Robin LakeFamilies need better data on students' academic progress; students need meaningful learning experiences and better information on postsecondary options.
Reengaging High School Students through Career Academies
By Edward C. Fletcher Jr.When built around four key elements, academies deliver rigorous, relevant learning tied to students' career aspirations.
Trauma-Informed Practices: A Whole-School Policy Framework
By Nicole Reddig and Janet VanLoneState leaders can ensure that more school staff are equipped to help children deal with the effects of trauma.
NCSBEE Voice: Harnessing Students’ Expertise in Communications
When [students] help us create and when we collaborate, we are inspired, and we are more knowledgeable when we write policy and advocate on their behalf.
State Board Voice: Kentucky’s Portrait of a Learner
By Lu YoungWhen fully implemented, portraits of a learner become the lever by which teachers, schools, and communities rebalance learning expectations.
Student Voice: Removing Barriers to Student Leadership
By Ryan HafenerIt is important to encourage students to engage with a wide variety of policymakers.