The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

NASBE encourages member participation in committees that help govern the organization and elevate it in the national education policy community.


Governmental Affairs Committee

Provides a forum for discussion of issues that are the subject of pending federal legislation or regulations and are important to many states. Each member state can nominate an individual to the committee, which is currently chaired by Byron Ernest, a member of the Indiana State Board of Education and former NASBE chair. Contact Abigail Potts for more information.


“With the passage of ESSA, which gives states important new opportunities but also important new responsibilities in the field of public education, it is important that state boards of education remain engaged in fully understanding the changing federal landscape and also in advocating for an implementation to that new federal law that does right by all of our students across this diverse country.” —Jay Barth, past member of the Arkansas State Board of Education

Public Education Positions Committee

Submits new resolutions or position statements and/or amendments to standing resolutions or existing policy statements that amplify members’ collective national voice. Each member state can nominate an individual to the PEP Committee, which is currently chaired by Lisa Fricke, a member of the Nebraska State Board of Education. Contact Joseph Hedger for more information.


Finance and Audit Committee

Reviews and approves the association’s budget and the annual audit. The secretary-treasurer chairs the committee, and the chair of NASBE’s Board of Directors appoints its members.


Nominations Committee

Reviews officer nominations and recommends candidates for NASBE’s Board of Directors. Each NASBE region has representation on the committee.


Editorial Advisory Board

Reviews content of the association’s journal, the State Education Standard, before publication and provides feedback to the editorial director on the publication program as a whole. Contact Valerie Norville for more information.

Featured Items


Connecting Schools and Communities

Authors in this issue of the Standard suggest myriad ways in which communities can be force multipliers for ensuring that all children are engaged in learning and prepared to thrive as adults.
Image of a black man voting. Credit: Canva

State Education Elections in 2024 Yield Few Shifts

Voters in nine states, three territories, and the District of Columbia elected 64 state board candidates.

Developing Content Standards: A Foundational Task for State Boards

State boards of education typically play a central role in approving academic content standards, though their authority varies by state. This boardsmanship review outlines guiding principles and common processes to help state boards develop high-quality standards.

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