The Standard - Article

Teacher Diversity and Student Success

State policymakers should name diversity as a marker of teacher quality.

Equity and English Learners Post-Pandemic

State leaders should ramp up supports for EL students and their families.

Racial Justice through Expanded Choice

Decoupling where students receive education from where they live is key to undoing the system's racist roots.

Supporting Youth with the Most Need

For many, the pandemic has been just one of a host of barriers to a high-quality education.

Engaging Students through Ethnic Studies

California, Connecticut, and Texas broaden their elective offerings.

District of Columbia Embeds Antiracist Lens in Update of Social Studies Standards

State board tees up a revision process and standards characterized by civic engagement and cultural responsiveness.

The Role of Technology in Reimagining School

Pandemic or no, states ought to press for better technology for personalized learning and making staff and students safer.

Transforming Learning through Competency-Based Education

States are adopting a range of policies to personalize student learning and move away from seat-time rules.