The Standard - Article

Access to Data Is Key to Navigating High School and Beyond

Surveyed students report being at sea on postsecondary options and the progress they are making toward their goals.

Merging High School and College: The Early College High School Model

Six elements in statewide law and policy pave the way for effective programs that help more students thrive in college courses while they are still in high school.

Harnessing the Power of Evidence-Based Policymaking

State boards should lean into education data and work to overcome challenges to doing so.

The Role of Teachers Unions in School Governance during COVID-19

While relationships with school leaders were contentious in places, many districts benefited from collaborative ones.

State Boards and the Governance of Early Childhood Education

As states seek to bring coherence to the disparate systems that have a hand in early education and care, state boards have key roles to play.

State Takeovers: No Silver Bullet for School District Improvement

On average, takeover fails to improve achievement measures, but how it is done matters a lot.

Roadmap to Excellence: Strategic Planning for State Boards

Savvy boards can increase the odds their plans will live, breathe, and have measurable impact.

Effective State Education Governance

No one model is clearly superior, but relationships, talent, and shared loyalty are marks of governance systems that get things done.