This NASBE policy update offers state boards a means to address these issues through structured discussions of equity, the achievement gap, and what state boards need to lead for equity and excellence.
This NASBE policy update explores the ways state boards of education can address the challenges school counselors face and better support student transitions after high school.
is NASBE policy update explores the unique challenges that military-connected students face and how state boards of education can ensure the success and well-being of these students through effective policies on data sharing and training in data management.
This policy update outlines challenges to delivering such services and ways states can leverage key provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to improve students’ chances for academic success by providing mental health services.
States have incorporated a variety of “fifth indicators” in their ESSA plans, including: career and technical education, school climate and student discipline, social and emotional learning, chronic absenteeism, and access to high-level course work. This policy update series explores the pros and cons of each and offers key considerations for state boards that are refining their plans for September submission.
This NASBE policy update identifies five common challenges in engaging this extensive list of stakeholders, and highlights several promising practices states are using to address them.
This NASBE policy update examines the US preschool workforce skills gap and outlines ways state boards can strengthen policies to advance the early education workforce and ensure a high-quality education for preschool learners.
The election of 2016 is generally acknowledged to be a “change” election. Voters chose a new president and ended years of divided government by giving control of the House, the Senate, and the White House to Republicans. Did the “change” message affect the selection of new members of state boards of education?