Press Release
A new NASBE analysis follows the work of three state boards of education that are pushing for meaningful change on equity in their state systems.
Press Release
NASBE analysis outlines outcomes from major state races and changes in 61 state board of education seats in 12 states and territories that were on the ballot.
Press Release
Organizations representing state and local officials, education leaders and other educators released the following statement regarding federal COVID‐19 relief for educators: “As the U.S. breaks domestic and international records for new COVID‐19 cases each day, schools continue to deliver education in virtual and in‐person settings. States and school districts are expending significant resources to protect […]
Press Release
State boards can set the vision for sharing data to serve the interests of students, families, and schools. But doing so effectively requires an understanding of FERPA’s legal framework.
Press Release
Alexandria, VA – The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) is pleased to announce that Byron Ernest, a member of the Indiana State Board of Education, became chair of the organization’s board of directors at the close of its virtual annual conference last week. Janet Cannon, a member of the Utah State Board […]
Press Release
State boards can do more to ensure that K-12 students are prepared to be thoughtful, engaged citizens.
Press Release
NASBE is honored to name The Buffett Early Childhood Institute at the University of Nebraska as its 2020 Friend of Education.
Press Release
NASBE is pleased to honor Brian C. Bosma, recently retired speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives, as 2020 Policy Leader of the Year.