The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Policy Updates

June 2016Volume 23, No. 17

States Move toward Computer Science Standards

This NASBE Policy Update outlines what states need to consider as they develop computer science standards and improve instruction, highlighting several promising state efforts already under way.

June 2016Volume 23, No. 16

State Strategies for Summer Nutrition

Children with limited or uncertain access to meals experience more health-related behavioral and academic challenges than their peers. Federally funded summer nutrition programs are designed to ensure low-income students receive healthy meals all summer long. This policy update explains what state boards can do to expand the reach of summer nutrition programs.

June 2016Volume 23, No. 15

New Opportunities to Support Student Health under ESSA

This NASBE Policy Update explains how states can take advantage of ESSA’s provisions to more fully integrate health into education policy and practice.

June 2016Volume 23, No. 14

Career Readiness and CTE in a Post-NCLB World

Despite policymakers’ efforts to integrate and align core academics with career technical education, the two disciplines remain stubbornly separate in many states. But there are ways states can propel students toward postsecondary success by viewing academic and career programs as a single track.

May 2016Volume 23, No. 13

Trends in Student Data Privacy Bills in 2016

This analysis describes key elements in education data legislation introduced or passed this year and notes some states to watch.

December 2016Volume 23, No. 12

Flexibility for Streamlining Tests

States can take advantage of existing funding and new ESSA guidance to ensure the quality of their assessment frameworks. This policy update highlights two states—Illinois and Tennessee—that have taken the initiative to evaluate their systems.

March 2016

NASBE Standards-Based Leadership Framework: A Policy Update Series

This series of NASBE policy updates highlights the importance of consistency across policies to ensure effective, efficient learning systems and successful ESSA implementation.

March 2016Volume 23, No. 3

State Policy's Role in Reversing Trend toward Punitive Discipline

State boards of education have the potential to stem the school to prison pipeline through reforming punitive discipline policy. Using their convening power and policymaking authority, state boards can coordinate the efforts of educators, mental health professionals, and law enforcement officials to create more equitable measures and improve school climate.