This NASBE policy update explores how NASBE, the National League of Cities (NLC), and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) built up the nation’s early childhood education (ECE) workforce through an effective collaboration.
This NASBE policy update discusses ways state boards can bridge the divide between English-only and non-English speakers by promoting policies to increase world language workforce capacity and better align language programs to communities and national need.
This NASBE policy update urges state boards of education to adopt a vision for supporting young DLLs that includes developing the cultural and linguistic competence of the ECE workforce.
This NASBE policy update urges state boards of education to invigorate relicensure policies by embracing multiple tiers that support teachers throughout their careers and implementing requirements such as work portfolios, individual learning plans, and microcredentials.
This NASBE policy update suggests embedding philosophy instruction in teacher preparation programs to enable teachers to model skills they want students to acquire.
This policy update draws on research, state examples, and the author’s own experience to suggest ways states can better support novice teachers while combating high turnover.
This NASBE policy update explores how statewide networked improvement communities work and how state boards of education can nurture them.
This NASBE policy update offers state boards a means to address these issues through structured discussions of equity, the achievement gap, and what state boards need to lead for equity and excellence.