Press Release
Alexandria, VA — While most states encourage or require schools to test for lead in drinking water, funding to sustain remediation lags—despite significant federal grants designed to boost those efforts. According to a new NASBE analysis, several states are overcoming this barrier by using innovative funding streams and communicating effectively with the public about test […]
Press Release
NASBE analysis identifies the challenges of attracting and retaining this workforce and highlights several states that are working to build a sustainable pipeline of SMHPs.
Press Release
New NASBE analysis highlights how states have increasingly opted to combat “period poverty.”
Press Release
Early identification and effective, targeted reading intervention are critical to these students’ long-term success, the analysis notes.
Press Release
Authors of NASBE’s latest State Education Standard reimagine the high school experience, illuminating the data, policy reforms, and engagement with students, families, and educators that must align to make redesign possible.
Press Release
According to a new NASBE analysis, teachers need comprehensive supports to equip them to deliver high-quality, evidence-based instruction.
Press Release
Alexandria, VA—Eighteen percent of principals leave their posts annually, largely citing inadequate preparation as a key reason for leaving. Yet, principal preparation programs have been slow to keep up with the changing demands of the profession. In the same way investing in teacher apprenticeship programs helps address teacher shortages, strengthening principal preparation through principal internships […]
Press Release
Alexandria, VA—As new governors, legislators, state superintendents, and members of state boards of education begin their work after their elections and appointments, they join peers across the country who are grappling with how best to lead state education systems so that all students are well prepared for success in learning, work, and life. Despite the […]