Your board’s membership in NASBE entitles you to many benefits and services:
Attending Events Designed for State Boards
NASBE hosts meetings each year for board members to engage with national experts and network with peers from other states. Membership includes the following:
- two free registrations to the New Member Institute, including travel and lodging
- discounted registration for NASBE’s Annual Conference
- discounted registration for NASBE’s Legislative Conference
“I am a better state board member because of the training, counsel, and interaction with NASBE. It provides state board members with the supports necessary to meet the challenges of our times. Our state board has stronger relationships with our school administrators, especially those in small school districts, through activities and programs underwritten by NASBE. I cannot imagine serving my state without the support and fellowship of NASBE. —Jim McNiece, Kansas State Board of Education
Building the Knowledge and Elevating the Role of State Boards
Throughout the year, members may take advantage of opportunities to learn more about trending education topics, explore the latest research and evidence available for policymaking, learn about initiatives in other states, and share their successes with the wider membership. NASBE offerings include the following:
- special interest meetings and convenings that bring together state board members and national policy experts to examine key policy issues affecting state boards
- webinars and publications on topics of high interest to state board members
Leveraging a Trusted, Knowledgeable, and Expert Staff
At a state board’s request, NASBE’s team will identify best practices, share policy lessons learned from other states, and provide a national landscape on a specific issue. NASBE’s team can also offer personalized support, including needs assessment, a policy audit, or a goal-setting process.
Empowering State Boards and Capacity Building
NASBE offers member boards tools and resources to enable them to create the conditions for students to achieve excellence:
- state board strategic planning
- boardsmanship
- board self-evaluation
- leading for equity and excellence
Receiving NASBE Publications
Members turn to NASBE for accurate and research-based information about the latest issues in education and advice on how to increase board effectiveness.
- State Education Standard. Our journal, written by subject-matter experts, provides cover-to-cover insight into select education policy issues of the day.
- Education Leaders Reports cover hot topics as well as over-the-horizon thinking on education. They provide background on policy issues, relevant research, and practical steps that the research findings imply for state policymaking.
- State Innovations provide concise examples of the policymaking experiences of particular state boards of education. These reports serve as a source of new ideas for other states’ policymaking, contacts to enable cross-state networking on key issues, and benchmarking.
- Policy Updates are two-page briefs on changes in federal education policy, state policy impacts, and trends in education.
- Power of the Question. Questions are a powerful policy lever. These brief publications help boards know what to ask on particular policy topics on their agendas.
- State Board Insight. Data and trend analysis drawn directly from state boards’ monthly meeting agendas and minutes.
- Boardsmanship Reviews offer practical ideas on how to become a better member of a state board of education.
Applying for State Stipends
On selected board issues, NASBE offers competitive grant stipends to member state boards to further their state work. Stipends may be used to cover in-state meetings, technical assistance, and board professional development.
Elevating a National Voice
As the national voice of state board members in the United States and territories NASBE has long represented its membership on critical education issues before Congress, the U.S. Department of Education, and other federal agencies. Member states are entitled to name one individual to serve on the Government Affairs Committee, which coordinates this work, and one individual to serve on the Public Education Positions committee, which develops NASBE’s policy positions to guide this work.
Conducting Executive Searches
NASBE will assist state boards are seeking a new chief state school officer. Member states receive a substantial discount.
“NASBE was instrumental in designing the process for evaluating our state superintendent, leading us to identify goals and metrics based on our strategic plan. The partnership with NASBE enabled us to set up an effective means of self-evaluation and holding state leadership accountable.”—Dr. John Kelly, Mississippi State Board of Education
Supporting Affiliated Organizations
NASBE recognizes two affiliate organizations, the National Council of State Boards of Education Executives (NCSBEE) and the National Council of State Education Attorneys (NCOSEA), whose members do not vote for NASBE officers but are otherwise entitled to the full benefits of membership.
Engaging in Governance Opportunities
State boards are encouraged to nominate their members to serve on NASBE committees and the national Board of Directors.