Board Members
Erin D. Benham was reappointed to the Connecticut State Board of Education by Governor Ned Lamont in January 2023 and serves as the state board’s vice chair. She also chairs the board’s accountability and support committee, and is a member of the academic standards and assessment committee. In June 2020, Ms. Benham was appointed to […]
Board Members
Matt W. Donaldson was appointed as the Twelfth District Representative to the Georgia State Board of Education on January 12, 2021. Donaldson also serves on the board’s Budget Committee, Audit Committee, and State Schools Committee. Donaldson also serves on the Georgia Foundation for Public Education to represent the state board. For NASBE, Donaldson has served […]
Press Release
Emmy award–winning actor, director, author, and television host LeVar Burton is being honored as the 2023 Friend of Education by the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE). This national award is given annually to an individual or organization whose contributions to preK-12 education are significant and enduring.
Policy Update
State education leaders can foster children’s mental health by increasing families’ preparedness and awareness of available resources and activities.
Press Release
Parents are often overlooked as allies when it comes to providing school-based services, according to a new NASBE analysis.
Press Release
Darling-Hammond, an esteemed educator, researcher, and president of the California State Board of Education, is a leading voice for improving educational outcomes for all students and an innovator in education policy.
Press Release
This award was established in 2023 to recognize the dedication and education policy impact of student representatives on state boards of education.
Press Release
Charlene Necessary has served the Maryland State Board of Education as its administrator and regulations coordinator over the last 15 years and prior, the Office of the Attorney General.