Also from NASBE
States’ systems to support leadership development have received relatively scant attention and resources. This report details the Leadership Study Group's recommendations for how states develop and keep effective leaders; provide examples of promising practices for rural schools; and share insights from partner organizations.
Also from NASBE
This report details the Career Readiness Study Group's recommendations for how state boards of education can begin to explore, expand, and enhance career readiness efforts in their states as part of the broader effort to ensure students are prepared for college, careers, and civic life.
Policy Update
This Policy Update outlines the importance of aligning principal preparation programs with the high expectations set for our school leaders and the policy levers that may help facilitate this integration.
Policy Update
This Policy Update highlights the mismatch between the skills taught in many teacher preparation programs and those needed to help students achieve rigorous learning standards. State boards of education have a role to play here.
The Standard
State education policymakers viewing the school landscape may at first see nothing but a vista that calls for thoroughgoing redesign. However, there are many ways to make sure those who teach and lead our children are better prepared and better supported to do their jobs well.
Policy Update
Allergic reactions in school settings still threaten the lives of students with alarming frequency. This Policy Update outlines state and federal requirements for stocking epinephrine and recommendations for state board members to ensure proper implementation.
Policy Update
States vary in how they respond to parents’ requests to opt children out of standardized testing. This Policy Update compiles information on each state’s response and links to guidance documents.
Education Leaders Reports
Punitive school discipline and zero-tolerance policies impede student achievement, and there are supportive, evidence-based disciplinary strategies to supplant them.