Power of the Question
State boards of education have the primary authority over choosing summative assessments in 31 states. This policy update urges comprehensive state board involvement in the development of state assessment systems and lays out nine big questions board members should address before they adopt a new state assessment system
Education Leaders Reports
Amelia Vance outlines key lessons policymakers to contemplate to avoid unintended consequences of actions to protect student data privacy.
Policy Update
This series of NASBE policy updates highlights the importance of consistency across policies to ensure effective, efficient learning systems and successful ESSA implementation.
Policy Update
State boards of education have the potential to stem the school to prison pipeline through reforming punitive discipline policy. Using their convening power and policymaking authority, state boards can coordinate the efforts of educators, mental health professionals, and law enforcement officials to create more equitable measures and improve school climate.
Policy Update
This policy update highlights two state boards of education—Washington and Idaho—that have proactively sought to prepare students better for continuing their educations after high school.
State Innovations
The West Virginia Board of Education’s experience reviewing and adopting its data privacy policies offers lessons for other states.
The Standard
Given the policy reset reflected in the newly minted Every Student Succeeds Act, state boards of education now face greater responsibility for assessments and determining their role in state accountability systems.
Policy Update
This NASBE Policy Update compares the new Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL), with the ISLLC standards and outlines what states will need to consider as they implement changes instituted by the Every Student Succeeds Act.