The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

The Standard

Charter Schools

State boards of education must think more systematically about how charter schools fit into their overall vision for education and offer guardrails for decision making.

Policy Update

Advancing the Early Learning Workforce through State Policies

This NASBE policy update examines the US preschool workforce skills gap and outlines ways state boards can strengthen policies to advance the early education workforce and ensure a high-quality education for preschool learners.

Policy Update

The Impact of the 2016 Elections on State Boards of Education

The election of 2016 is generally acknowledged to be a “change” election. Voters chose a new president and ended years of divided  government by giving control of the House, the Senate, and the White House to Republicans. Did the “change” message affect the selection of new members of state boards of education?


Abigail Potts

Abigail (Abby) Potts works to engage and empower members to lead and advocate in federal and state policy in the best interest of students, educators, and families. She tracks key policy issues where state boards will play a critical leadership role, synthesizes research and evidence on member policy priorities, and facilitates the work of NASBE’s […]