The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

This week, NASBE’s fearless leader for the past three years, Robert Hull, retires. Please join the NASBE team in wishing him a wonderful and restful retirement. Robert shares a few thoughts for NASBE members in this final letter:


Greetings and happy holidays from NASBE. The holiday season is a natural time for us to pause, reflect, and take stock of the challenges and accomplishments of the past year. 2021 was filled with many challenges for state boards of education in navigating the continuing pandemic and myriad other issues. But the year was also filled with successes and accomplishments, with boards displaying courage, ingenuity, and exemplary leadership while focusing on equity and excellence for all students. Thank you for your continued dedication to those you serve—the students, parents, and communities of your state.

As 2022 dawns on the horizon, I encourage you to focus on the possibilities that lie ahead for reimagining a better future for our students by using your full authority and the unprecedented federal resources at your disposal. This truly is a legacy moment for state education leaders. What will your legacy be 15 years from today? What will be the lasting results of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to redefine education? It is an exciting moment—one to be embraced and celebrated.

The end of 2021 also brings a close to my tenure as president and CEO of NASBE. It has been a true honor to lead this organization and serve you for the past three years. Thank you for your continued support, hard work, and diligent pursuit of excellence—it has meant to world to me. I will be watching to see what fabulous things state boards will accomplish in 2022 and the years beyond.

On behalf of the NASBE board of directors and staff, I wish you the happiest of holidays and best wishes for 2022, and I personally bid you a fond adieu.


Robert Hull

NASBE President and CEO



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