The only organization dedicated solely to helping state boards advance equity and excellence in public education.

Improving Healthy Eating from State Policy to School Practices (2009)


State and district policymakers are responding to the need for policies to improve the nutrition and physical activity environments in schools. However, additional and sustained support is required in order to impact nutrition and physical activity behaviors and reverse trends in childhood obesity.

This program will follow West Virginia’s nutrition policy using an educational leadership model for states, school districts and schools to align policies, practices and actions related to school wellness. The program will feature key leadership and learning factors necessary for success from state policy to the classroom level.

Workshop Goal:

This program will provide an educational leadership model for states, school districts and schools to align policies, practices and actions related to school wellness. Speakers will highlight key leadership and learning factors necessary for each level to succeed. Participants will also be asked to provide input to support future development of wellness policy implementation tools.

Workshop Objectives:

At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Apply the through-line education model to nutrition policy strategies.
  • Utilize the through-line education model to improve and align strategies and actions between state, district, and school efforts to improve student wellness.
  • Describe successful state policies for improving nutrition standards and understand leadership and learning factors necessary to change practice from the district to the classroom.

Support for this webinar is provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation through its Leadership for Healthy Communities national program.


National, State, District, and Local leaders implementing school wellness policy initiatives including: state boards of education, state departments of education, coordinated school health leaders, public health officials interested in school health, district school boards, school administrators, school wellness policy leaders, school health council members, and classroom teachers.


Welcome and Opening Remarks
Elizabeth Walker, NASBE
Allison Topper-Kleinfelter, achievABILITY

State Policies to Classroom Practice
The Through-line:
Applying an Educational Leadership Model to School Wellness Policies
Elizabeth Walker, NASBE

Nutrition Standards Model of Success -Interactive
Interview with West Virginia Representatives
Perspectives, leadership, and learning from the State, School District, School Building, Cafeteria, and Classroom

Interaction: Questions, Answers

School Nutrition Policy Implementation Discussion

Elizabeth Walker, NASBE


Elizabeth Walker, MS
Project Director, National Association of State Boards of Education

Elizabeth Walker directs NASBE’s Healthy Eating cooperative agreement with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health. She works with national and federal agencies to promote high impact, evidence based policy changes to support healthy school environments. She also provides technical assistance and resources to states and their boards of education to build capacity around school nutrition and health.

Previously, Elizabeth coordinated the Nemours childhood obesity prevention campaign which focused on changing the policies and practices in school, community, primary care and child care environments. At the Harvard Prevention Research Center, she focused on childhood obesity prevention in schools and early childhood environments through research, policy development, state coalition building, and youth engagement. She led the development of the Action for Healthy Kids, Students Taking Charge toolkit which is now being used as their national youth engagement program. Prior to that, she worked at Babies and Children’s Hospital in New York, developing community-based obesity prevention programs for women, children and adolescents. Elizabeth earned a bachelor’s degree in health studies and exercise physiology at Boston University and a master’s degree in exercise science from the University of Oregon.

Allison Topper-Kleinfelter, MS

Allison Kleinfelter is a national leader in health promotion planning and marketing. Her expertise lies in social marketing, culture change, obesity prevention, public health planning, and public private partnership development. Allison has ten years of experience in planning and evaluating health promotion programs and has been a contributor on numerous national and state plans for obesity prevention and related chronic disease, outdoor recreation, transportation, and education policies. Through achievABILITY, she develops workforce development training programs and strategic consulting.


Additional Student Engagement for Obesity Prevention Resources:
Action for Healthy Kids- Students Taking Charge
Alliance for Healthier Generation- Empower Me
Action for Healthy Kids- Game On (taste testing activity)